Partial List of Confirmed Speakers (new speakers will be added as they confirm)
Mr. Matthew Ackerman, The David Project
Mr. Casey Baker, Young Judaea Ms. Shoshana Bar-David, DoSomething.org Mr. Matt Barr, The Bible Raps Project Mr. Richard Bass, NCSY Ms. DeeDee Benel, Ramaz Ms. Shira Berkovitz, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale Mr. Effie Braun, Kehhilat Jeshurun and Ramaz Rabbi Steven Burg, NCSY Mr. Ilan Caplan, AJWS Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, West Side Institutional Synagogue Rabbi Dov Emerson, DRS Ms. Robyn Faintich, JewishGPS Ms. Melissa Frey, Camp Kutz Mr. Avi Friedman, The Tribe Mr. Eric Gallagher, AIPAC Ms. Tova Garr, The Jewish Education Project Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, NCSY Dr. Scott Goldberg, Yeshiva University Ms. Aliza Goodman, iCenter Rabbi David Goldfischer, Frisch & Camp Morasha Rabbi Ben Greenberg, Harvard JLIC Ms. Sharon Weiss Greenberg, Harvard JLIC and Camp Stone Rabbi Chaim Hagler, Yeshivat Noam Mr. Jared Hakimi, Masa Mr. Jonah Halper, Next: Gen Charity Mr. Charlie Harary, Milvado Mr. Ari Hart, Uri L’Tzedek Mr. Solly Hess, NCSY Ms. Karen Jarmen, The Jewish Lens Ms. Allison Josephs, Jew in the City Ms. Sarah Lefton, G-dcast.com Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone, NCSY Ms. Abbe Marcus, J-Teen Leadership Ms. Amanda Marcus, BBYO Rabbi Michael Mellen, Youth Works Rabbi Avi Orlow, The Foundation for Jewish Camp Ms. Lori Palatnik, Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl, Margolin Hebrew Academy Rabbi Uri Pilichowski, Beth Jacob Synagogue, YULA Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, Riverdale Jewish Center Mr. Yitzchok Saftlas, Bottom Line Marketing Group Ms. Rivka Schwartz, SAR Ms. Nili Simhai, Teva Learning Center Ms. Naomi Skop, Jewish Teen Funders Network Mr. Adam Soclof, JTA Jewish News Archive Mr. Jim Stein, NECHAMA: Jewish Response to Disaster Mr. Dave Weinberg, Future of Jewish Non-Profit Summit Mr. Dovid’l Weinberg, The Mishna Project Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg, North Shore Hebrew High School Rabbi Steven Weil, OU Ms. Rhoda Weisman, Rhoda Weisman Consulting Rabbi Simcha Willig, Jewish Student Union Ms. Mara Yacobi, JLove & Values Ms. Leah Yadegar, Stand With Us Mr. David Yarus, Mr. Youth |