SCHEDULEYouthCon is a one-day convention on Sunday, August 21, 2011 from 9:30am to 5:30pm.
*Schedule subject to change
Mentoring at YouthCon!
During YouthCon, you can set up one-on-one mentoring appointments with some of the most sought out individuals in the Jewish community, including: Sarah Lefton, David Bryfman, Jewish Education Project Charlie Harary, Milvado Eric Gallagher, AIPAC Michael Mellen, Youth Works Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, Riverdale Jewish Center Rhoda Weisman, Rhoda Weisman Consulting Matthew Ackerman, The David Project Avi Orlow, Foundation for Jewish Camp Jonah Halper, NextGen: Charity And many, many more... Sign up available on a first come, first serve basis at YouthCon. |