I got involved in Israel Education two years ago to address the strong anti-Israel bias that i was seeing in my job as a high school teacher. The ultimate catalyst for me was seeing that the strongest voices attacking Israel were coming from uninformed Jewish teachers and students. I felt that the way Israel was being portrayed was a real injustice for both Israel and Judaism. The vast majority of the time there was a hyper anti-Israel focus in the media that was unjustly one sided. I believe as a teacher that this approach robs students of their ability to make an informed free willed decision on the issues.
2. How has the digital age effected Israel education?
For one it has affected how I teach. There is so much multimedia available and the world has become a much different place with the explosion of social media and communication technology. Events can be recorded with a phone, posted on YouTube and sent to millions around the globe in minutes. So education has in many respects become more 'live' rather than history. This means as a teacher you have to be much more in touch with daily events because things can happen in the blink of an eye. Students can come into class to ask me about something that happened just minutes before.
3. What are you most looking forward to at YouthCon?
I was raised in a secular Jewish home and wasn't really connected to Israel and Judaism even though I went to a Jewish day school up to Grade 8. I didn't really make an informed decision when I distanced myself from Judaism. What I look forward to at YouthCon is to have an opportunity to share with others why I think Israel, as complicated as it is, is a place Jews can take pride in.
Richard Bass, a high school teacher with 30 years experience in education and training has designed an Israel Education curriculum to combat the global anti-Israel campaign in the media, education, politics and beyond. The modular curriculum, created by a teacher for teachers is designed for use in formal accredited high school and college courses and informal settings such as Jewish Student Unions (JSUs), camps and synagogues. A former U.S. college football coach and professional golfer, Richard and his wife Ellie have two children.