My first role as JTA's Digital Media Associate was one of three media & communications placements made possible by the Schusterman Insight Fellowship (the others were JDub Records and the Natan Fund). I was hired full time last year and got nerdily excited about the new JTA Jewish News Archive, a free online database of over 200,000 articles since 1923 which is now a central focus of mine.
2. How have you seen the digital age effect Jewish nonprofits?
The digital age has ushered in more content and more platforms for sharing content than ever before; the marketplace for attention-grabbing has never been so competitive. As Jewish nonprofits and funders decide how to allocate digital resources, it's important that the fundamentals of Jewish education aren't neglected. Like basketball, slam dunks sell tickets, but championships are build around good coaching.
3. What are you most looking forward to at YouthCon?
I'm excited to learn from educators who have experience sharing big Jewish ideas in small doses. Beyond helping JTA develop new uses for the Jewish News Archive, the energy of camp counselors, youth program leaders and other new media whizzes like Bible Raps and G-dcast is just fun to experience first hand.
Adam Soclof is the media & marketing associate at JTA, where he writes for the JTA Archive Blog. An alum of PresenTense and the Schusterman Insight Fellowship, Adam has worked for JDub Records and the Natan Fund. He was a counselor-educator for the Nesiya Institute, Bnei Akiva Camp Stone, and continues to serve as a social media advisor to Bible Raps, for whom he produced and directed the Purim video "Haman Song". Adam hails from Ann Arbor, Michigan and is a graduate of the University of Michigan.
Check out the JTA blog: http://blogs.jta.org/archive.
Follow him on Twitter: @JTAarchive